

Nova direcção para o Iraque!

Dear friends,

Over the last few days, almost 50,000 of us have supported the call for a new plan for Iraq! Thanks to you, our Iraq ad is running TODAY in newspapers in London and Washington, DC, calling for a new diplomatic role for the international community and the withdrawal of Coalition forces from Iraq. Click below to see the ad and add your voice of support:


If you have not yet joined the call for a new direction in Iraq, now is the right time. Coalition governments are beginning to accept that there is no military solution, but they haven’t settled on what an alternative diplomatic approach looks like. With hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths already in Iraq, we cannot afford to miss this chance to demand a new course. Your voice could make a difference over the coming week.

With hope,

Ricken, Tom, Rachel, Lee-Sean, Amparo and the Ceasefire Campaign Team